Dear <#FirstName> <#LastName>, The following <#DocumentType> is coming due on <#DueDate>. Title: <#LoanTitle>. <#LoanEdition> Author: <#LoanAuthor> Date: <#LoanDate> The lending library has stipulated "<#RenewalsAllowed>" to renewals. If allowed, renew this item online at: <#SystemURL>/illiad.dll?Action=10&Form=67&Value=<#TransactionNumber> (login required) If you have not picked up this item and no longer need it, please let us know so we can send it back to the lending library. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. <#SystemName> <#LibraryName> 108 <#GeneralPhone> <#GeneralEmailAddress> IDS TN: <#TransactionNumber>