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IDS Conference 2024 Keynote: Charlie Barlow

Will it Lend?: Digital Frontiers in Resource Sharing.

Charlie Barlow is executive director of the Boston Library Consortium (BLC), working to empower a coalition of libraries in the northeastern United States to share knowledge, infrastructure, and resources at scale. Prior to BLC, Charlie served as Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Programs at the Associated Colleges of the Midwest and held academic and administrative appointments at the University of Chicago and Roosevelt University. He is co-chair of Project ReShare, a community-driven organization dedicated to revolutionizing library collaboration through the development of user-centered, standards-based technologies that facilitate resource sharing and enhance access to information. In 2021, he co-authored the 'Statement on Using Controlled Digital Lending as a Mechanism for Interlibrary Loan’ and his insights on library collaboration have been featured in Scholarly Kitchen, portal: Libraries and the Academy, and various edited volumes. Charlie has served on a range of advisory groups including the NISO’s IS-CDL Working Group, ELUNA’s CDL Advisory Group, and the Joint Metadata Futures Taskforce, a collaboration between the ALA Core Metadata and Collections Section, ICOLC, and the Library of Congress.