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IDS Project Logo

A unified community of trust and support
built around a critical and clearly understood purpose
effective resource sharing.

IDS Orientation

IDS Project Orientation

Welcome to the IDS Project Orientation! This is a self-paced set of resources to get you acquainted with the IDS Project as an organization, basic ILL practices, and the tools and services we provide to our members!

Orientation Modules

What is ILL?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service that allows libraries to borrow materials from one another on behalf of their patrons.

What is IDS?

Information Delivery Services (IDS) provide access to a wide range of information resources and services to support research and learning.

Things to Know

Understanding the policies and procedures of ILL and IDS is crucial for effective use of these services.

Professional Development

Engaging in workshops and training sessions can enhance your skills in utilizing ILL and IDS effectively.

Keep in Touch

Stay connected with library services for updates and support regarding ILL and IDS.