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A unified community of trust and support
built around a critical and clearly understood purpose
effective resource sharing.

IDS Project's CrossLink is a middleware server-based solution that allows for discovery and availability lookups across multiple cataloging systems and provides a connection between the borrowing and lending libraries’ resource sharing systems, regardless of which types they are.

This brokering system will allow libraries that have become siloed due to cost cutting and reduction in use of resource sharing systems to maintain services to their patrons while sharing their materials with other libraries.

Vision of CrossLink

  • Improve the efficiency and lower the cost of resource sharing 
  • Promote interoperability between different systems
  • Promote technology that will enable libraries to pursue consortial resource sharing while having flexibility to implement local library ILL workflows in the way that suits them best
  • Leverage the ISO18626 (ISO ILL standard) functionality which is increasingly becoming available in LSPs and resource sharing management systems


Advisory Committee

  • Ben Hogben, Ithaca College
  • John Kiser, University of Pennsylvania
  • Lucy Harrison, GALILEO
  • Mark Paris, Brandeis University
  • Mark Sullivan, IDS Project/SUNY Geneseo
  • Sebastian Hammer, Index Data
  • Tim Jackson, SUNY OLIS
  • Zack Lane, Columbia University

Infrastructure Components

  • a shared index of holdings for the group of libraries wishing to share resources
  • a directory of services and configuration data, to furnish access information and necessary parameters to guide the choice of, and access to, potential suppliers
  • broker – the business logic for handling requests between borrower and lender

Proposed Timeline

  • Discovery System Testing - Now until 4/15/2024
  • CrossLink Config Database Dev - Now until 7/1/2024
  • CrossLink ISO18626 Broker Dev - April until 7/1/2024
  • Iterative Dev of CrossLink Broker - July until 1/1/2025
  • Testing among libraries - January until 6/1/2025
Grant Information

Institute of Museum and Library Services LG-254824-OLS-23