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IDS Logic

An overview of IDS Logic functionality.

Logic Rules

Logic rules act on transactions based on specific criteria. They share some similarities with routing rules in the customization manager but can be more complex and be ‘chained together’ to have multiple rules act on one transaction. Routing rules, on the other hand, can only have one routing rule act on a transaction before a staff member needs to intervene to move the request to another step. 

Logic Rules can be broken down into ‘search’ and ‘action’. 

Search: Some things Logic Rules can search for in a transaction are:

  • Process Type: Borrowing, Lending, Doc Del
  • Request Type: Loan, Article
  • Queue that the Request is currently in
  • Flags
  • Time since request was last updated or since creation
  • Time until a request is due or time the request is overdue
  • Any field in the Request such as:
    • Location
    • Call Number
    • Due Date
    • Bibliographic Information: Title, Author, etc.
    • Citation Information
    • System ID (OCLC, RAPID, DOCLINE, etc)
    • Lending String
    • Borrower

Action: Some things Logic Rules can do: 

  • Route transactions
    • To other queues
    • To Borrowing or DocDel
  • Add or remove flags
  • Send emails (and define the subject of the email)
  • Add notes
  • Add content to fields like ItemInfo1 or Location

Additionally, Logic Rules have a setting, called “Prevent Reruns” that can prevent a logic rule from running on a transaction more than once.