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IDS Logic

An overview of IDS Logic functionality.

Example Logic Rules

Here are some examples of workflows fellow IDS Libraries wanted to automate and were able to do so using IDS Logic Rules. 

Flag Delayed Rapid Requests

Some libraries that use RAPID have wanted to flag article and/or book requests that were shipped but never arrived. Below is an example of two rules that flag RAPID article requests that haven't arrived in 48 hours and then de-flags the requests when the article arrives. Similar rules can be made for RAPIDR requests.

  Enabled: "1"
  RuleName: "RAPIDDelayed48HoursFlagger"
  PreventReruns: "1"
  - ILL
  - "Borrowing"
  - "Article"
  - "Request Sent"
  Query: "t.TransactionNumber in (select TransactionNumber from History where Entry like '%RAPID:%' and Entry like'%shipped%')"
  UpdatedMinutes: 2880
  AddFlag: "Rapid - Watch for Delivery"

  Enabled: "1"
  RuleName: "RAPIDDelayed48HoursDeFlagger"
  PreventReruns: "1"
  - ILL
  - "Borrowing"
  - "Article"
  - "Delivered to Web"
  Query: "t.TransactionNumber in (select TransactionNumber from History where Entry like '%RAPID:%' and Entry like'%shipped%')"
  RemoveFlag: "Rapid - Watch for Delivery"

Email the ILL account when there is a Patron Note

A library uses the following rule to send an email to the shared ILL email when a patron adds a note to an article request. Staff were finding that there were occasionally useful and relevant notes that weren't seen because requests are route without staff intervention. Instead of finding the notes several days later when reviewing recent requests or when a patron asked separately, this IDS Logic Rule sends an email containing the note and some basic citation information. Note: the email template needs to be created in the customization manager.

  Enabled: "1"
  RuleName: "PatronNoteChecker"
  PreventReruns: "1"
  - "ILL"
  - "Borrowing"
  - "Article"
  - "Awaiting Request Processing"
  - "Awaiting Copyright Clearance"
  - "Awaiting Foreign Language Processing"
  - "Duplicate Request Review"
  - "Find ISBN and Book Title"
  - "DSP Open Access"
  Query: "t.TransactionNumber in (select TransactionNumber from notes where t.Username=Addedby and t.TransactionNumber=TransactionNumber)"
  EmailTemplate: "Patron_Note"
  EmailSubject: "Note in Borrowing Request"

Send To DOCLINE Flag

One library noticed that some of the article requests that took the longest to fill were going to RAPID, then working through an OCLC lending string, and then ultimately going to DOCLINE where they were filled quickly. These requests were often the same journals so the following IDS Logic Rule now runs for their library. It flags requests that match certain ISSNs and flags them.  Then another rule de-flags them if the requests moves to specific Queues.

  Enabled: "1"
  RuleName: "NLM_Flagger"
  PreventReruns: "1"
  - "ILL"
  - "Borrowing"
  - "Article"
  - "Request Sent"
  Query: "(t.ISSN = '00034509' OR {continue to add all the ISSNs})"
  AddFlag: "Send to NLM"

Logic Rule that deflags does so when the Request moves to one of the following three queues:

  - "Delivered to Web"
  - "Request Finished"
  - "Cancelled by ILL Staff"