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IDS Logic

An overview of IDS Logic functionality.

My IDSProject is a website where you can see the content in your configuration file and do some basic lending availability testing. To get your login information, contact  Remember, your username is in all caps.

Configuration Page

Information on the Different Configuration Sections

Note: Many of these functions also need to be activated on the Admin side in addition to being in the configuration file. If something is listed in your configuration file and it doesn’t seem to be running, you can inquire at

Site: information about your library

OCLC: API key that Logic is using to query and connect with OCLC

TransactionUpdate Batch: The value is the number of minutes between each time IDS Logic runs on your transactions.

ILLiad: The version of ILLiad is an old setting no longer used.

ReprintsDesk: the connection information for Reprints Desk used for cost lookups

CCC: Values used to look up cost.

RAPID: Rapid information, if applicable.

Z3950: The information used to connect with your ILS.

Availability Sort: Any values here represent priority order if multiple matching items are found. For example, use items from the main book collection first and then the remote storage collection for filling requests through BAS and LAS.

Availability: These fields are used to determine which fields get populated in your request from fields returned in the z39.50 lookup.

ArticleGateway: Settings for whether CCC, GIN, RPD are enabled or not as well as any purchase profile information.

BA_ functions: Everything that starts with BA_ is related to Article Gateway functionality much of which was described in IDS Logic 102.

LendingDueDate: Due date applied to lending requests. You may also have a separate setting for media items and this will also be in the lending availability filler settings. This overrides any information in the customization manager or OCLC.

LendingAvailability-Exclude: These are collections and other pieces coming through from the z39.50 lookup that indicate that the item is unavailable for lending.

LendingAvailability-Include: These are collections and other pieces coming through from the z39.50 lookup as unavailable yet should be available for lending (this is uncommon).

BorrowingAvailability-Exclude: These are collections and other pieces coming through from the z39.50 lookup that indicate that the item is unavailable for borrowing.

BorrowingAvailability-Include: These are collections and other pieces coming through from the z39.50 lookup as unavailable that should be available for borrowing (this is uncommon).

-AvailabilityRouter: Part of LAS and BAS, these determine what queues to look at to move requests from and where to send those requests to. 

-AvailabilityFiller: Part of LAS and BAS and in conjunction with the “Availability” settings earlier in the configuration, this indicates where to put information in the request.

ALIAS: When and how to route article requests using ALIAS.

Logic RuleKit Items

CustomTransactionRouterEmailer: These are custom transaction routers and are older versions of Logic Rules. They still function. They just have fewer search and action options than Logic Rules.

LogicRules: These are numbered with a limit of 49. The rule name should be related to what it does. The query within these Logic Rules is written in SQL.

Time Examples in Minute Functions

  • 60*24*7 = 7 days
  • 10080 = 7 days
  • 1440  = 1 day or 24 hours
  • 3000 = 50 hours
  • 4320 = 3 days

Note: For Logic Rules under the field enabled: 1 = yes, 0 = no


TN Touch will return the number of times most logic functions have acted on a request in the specified time frame. This is one way to see how much Logic is acting on requests for your institution (first table). Additionally, for some functions, an estimated time has been added that allows for the calculation of how much time Logic has saved staff.



Using OCLC, ISBN, or ISSN, you can see what Logic returns for LAS as well as what MARC information is coming from the z39.50 query.


You can see what ALIAS returns for a given ISSN and Year including what IDS members own the item, the coverage dates, and what the potential lending string would be.

Article Gateway

Using an ISSN and year search, scroll to the bottom of the page under Recommendation, RPD, CCC, GIN, to see what Article Gateway would return for a specific query.


This allows you to see when Logic last ran and what functions acted on what requests.